So I'm Gonna Start a Blog

If you know me, you know I've been talking about starting a blog for a long time. A really long time. People have been annoyed, undoubtedly, with all this blogging talk but no actual blog to show for it. Well, friends, now's the time. Why now? There's a few reasons but the main one is I've simply run out of excuses not to do it.

The biggest reason it's taken me so long to take the plunge is I couldn't decide what to write about. Seriously, our life isn't that spectacular. Who wants to read about the dinner we made, trip to the park we took, or other mundane goings-on of our family? What I ultimately decided is, I don't care. I like writing and I'd like to have something to show the kids down the road. I need proof we actually did fun things because, as we all know, kids tend to think they've been bored since they were born.

So, no, my blog won't give expert advice on decorating your house, cooking, baking cakes, or sewing. Decorating for me is wandering aimlessly around Hobby Lobby hoping the perfect thing jumps out at me, I am, at best, a mediocre cook, I enjoy baking but am by no means an expert and, well, while I've started using the sewing machine more, I need a lot of practice. I'm in no position to give expert advice on any of these things. We do, however, like to try new things and trying said new things usually leads to something humorous so there may be some entertainment value here.

As a disclaimer (yes, I do disclaimers a lot), I don't have an English degree and I'm not a writer. I'll be using words like shoulda, gonna, and whatchathink. These are real words in my dictionary.

This is a work in progress but if I wait until I have everything perfect, I'll never do it. If you choose to follow this adventure with me, I hope you enjoy it!


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1 comment :

  1. Can't wait to hear about all your disclaimers/caveats, that's typically the best part!
